Wednesday, February 29, 2012

10 Things Never to Say to a Working Mom

10 Things Never to Say to a Working Mom

I've heard numbers 5 and 10. There's another article that is on the flip side of this for at-home moms. Why are we always pitted against each other? I respect a mother who doesn't work outside the home and hope she respects me. It's about meeting your family's needs, doing what you have to do to care for your family, and while I miss Ava terribly while I'm gone, I'm not emotionally distressed over it because I know I'm away for good and worthy reasons. I'm not away because I want to go to the bars, go hang out with my girlfriends over being a mother, etc. I'm doing it to help care for her. Bill and I even take it a step further to ensure 90% of the time one of us is with her, that's why we work opposite shifts. She's watched by a woman from church two days a week for 2.5 hours each day. I am however, a mother first, and everything else is second. My job will always come second. My friends will always come (a distant) second. My social life (what's that?) will come second, and so on...

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