Wow, I think 7 months since my last post is a record...and not a very good one. Life has been chaotic, to say the least. Bill has been off orders since the very end of March and has been looking for work here in WA ever since. In the meantime, he stays at home with Ava during the day while I'm at work and he goes to school at night in pursuit of a degree in business management (don't hold me to that exact title). We had to make a choice - move back to Kansas and I quit my job, or stay here and he quit his job. It was an unfair and unfortunate reality to face, but it is what it is and we're taking it in stride. This is really the first time in our five years together that we've attempted to establish life in just one state. There's chance of a deployment at the first of the year, but we won't have any firm information on whether he's going until nearly right before.
I still work for my company as a technical writer in Auburn which affords me the flexibility we need, and for that we're grateful. I finally had my laptop imaged which allows me to work from home on occasion, but not full-time like I used to. I say that for any of you wondering why I didn't just go remote again. Management and mindsets change, that pretty much sums it up. But in this economy I'm grateful to have a job, and a decent one at that.
On to our beautiful girl, Ava. She's 7-months-old now and honestly words cannot describe what a joy and blessing she is in our lives. For the first three months we experienced the pains of gas and colic, but then discovered Gripe Water and we regained our sanity. She's in the 75th percentile for her head circumference and weight, and in the 90th percentile for her height. She seems to care less about crawling and scooting than she does about chatting up a storm. What's hilarious is she seems like she's actually having a conversation. She loves watching us talk and grabs our mouth whenever she can. She mimics us (which we need to start being more mindful of) and even mimics the dogs. Her big thing right now is growling, and she's getting the look that accompanies the growl down pat. We can't quit kissing her, I think it's impossible in fact. How do you not kiss what people describe as a cherub and/or the Gerber baby?
Cole continues to live in Kansas with his mom, and turns 14 this February. 14! He loves, loves, loves Ava and in fact even asked Bill the last time he was here what his bed time would be if he lived with us. I've never been the child of divorced parents, but I imagine it would be difficult deciding who to live with. If I had to guess he probably wishes for the best of both worlds to be blended into one. I can certainly empathize with that. It's disappointing for us not to have both kids under the same roof, but we understand the situation for what it is and move forward. We are pleased to see how well adjusted he is, and how Ava and him equally adore one another.
Jovi and Reese have unfortunately taken a backseat post-baby. Everyone can now say a collective "I told you so," because you did. I feel horrible because they were my first babies, especially Jovi, and I'll never forget the comfort and sanity Jovi was for me during my miscarriage, Bill's last deployment, living alone in a new state, etc. We hit up the dog park when time, energy and weather allows, and do evening family walks. Wherever Ava is, there's Reese. Laying down beside her on the blanket subjecting herself to whatever Ava does to her. We encourage gentleness with both baby and pet, but it seems more often repeated to Ava than the dogs. Jovi's gentle enough with her, but overall skiddish around her. Sudden movements and loud shreaking apparently aren't his thing. Maybe they'll be better buds when she's a toddler.
Shockingly, I miss Kansas. I miss living in a state that knows me as nothing else but a grown woman, wife and mother. I miss being 2 hours from my mother-in-law and I miss the wide open spaces (que Dixie Chicks). I miss Bill's friends and profession for him. Being unemployed is so much more than the money. We continue to pray for his employment here and with it an avenue that leads to more social opportunities. I'm not foolish enough to think I can be everything to him. I know, as does he, that it's important to have your friends, parents, siblings, etc. More than anything we pray to be in the right place at the right time doing the right things.
Well, that's all for now. I will try to blog more often, though I'll admit the biggest challenge lies in finding the time. We hope all is well with you and your family. All our love <3